vrijdag 26 augustus 2011

education, education, education

Interesting comment on article PayPal founder pays entrepreneurs to skip college
a Mr Alfred.Brock wrote:

College has become a waste of time and money for most Americans. Many of the larger colleges rely on sports or government grants to stay in business – education is secondary at these locations. There are some good schools but the field is filled with ne’er’ do wells and professors (like Obama was and is) more interested in tenure than in teaching. Our elementary school system is broken and so is the system of ‘higher education’. Poorly educated and unprepared workers flood our markets and take white collar jobs they should not have with the results that you see around you in the American economy today. College has become something to be avoided rather than cherished as a family goal. No person in their right mind would put themselves in 20 years of debt (or their parents) to banks like Chase in order to get a diploma that proves to be worthless if the companies you apply for hire H1-B Visa workers whose education was provided by a foreign government for free or who received aid and grants from our own government in order to steal our jobs.

In the Netherlands it's the output-based financing mechanism that makes a joke of tertiary education...

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